Second Skin welcomes orders for custom made compression garments from clients, therapists, medical practitioners and health care providers. We provide a garment measuring, prescription and fitting service in many locations around Australia and New Zealand. Our design and therapy team provide telephone, internet and video conferencing support for practitioners who measure and prescribe our compression garments.

Compression Garments
Find answers to common questions about our compression garments.
Second Skin receives compression garment orders from treating health professionals and private clients when required. We welcome and encourage liaison with therapy and medical teams in relation to each client’s clinical needs. Second Skin provides a garment measuring, prescription and fitting service at our private clinics, and a consultancy service to hospital, community and allied health practitioners who require our assistance and advice. We welcome your enquiries about our garment services and hope to hear from you soon.
For clients with burns or specific traumatic injuries it is recommended that for the best results, your garment be worn at all times, except when bathing. For this reason we recommend that you have two sets of garments. One set is worn whilst the other set is being laundered. Your treating therapist and/or medical practitioner will closely monitor your progress and will recommend wearing time in your individual case. For clients with lymphoedema or vascular conditions, many therapists recommend daytime wear only. Be guided by your treating therapist and/or medical practitioner regarding the recommend wearing time in your individual case.
Compression Garments must be washed at least twice every week with extra care.
Garments should be hand washed, or placed in a lingerie bag and washed on gentle cool cycle in a front loading washing machine. Wash in water not more than 40degrees C using a mild detergent without bleaching agents. Rinse thoroughly and remove excess water by rolling in a clean dry towel. Dry flat in the shade. Do not tumble dry, iron or dry clean.
Some fabrics will be affected by oily based creams and lotions. We therefore recommend you use water or silicone based creams and lotions.
Your garment is guaranteed for 6 weeks. If a problem arises during this period, please contact us immediately so we can assist in ensuring that your garment is performing like the “Second Skin” it is meant to be. Failure to comply with recommended washing instructions will markedly reduce the life of your compression garment and void the guarantee.
We provide a NO CHARGE alteration service for issues of ill-fitting garments AT THE TIME of fit, provided the garments have been fitted within 3 weeks of an order being dispatched.
To accommodate a reduction in oedema (swelling), we provide a NO CHARGE, once only, retension service within 6 weeks of you receiving your garment to ensure effective ongoing garment fit. A ‘freight only’ charge is payable before this service is commenced.
Further re-tensioning after 6 weeks will incur a charge plus freight which is payable before the service is commenced. Second Skin will provide a quote for this service.
No retensioning, zip replacement or repairs can be done on any garments 6 months or older OR when garments are deemed not repairable by Second Skin.
Alterations or repairs are not possible when garments are worn out or damaged.
Second Skin provide a NO CHARGE once only retension service, within 6 weeks of receiving your Second Skin garment to ensure effective ongoing garment fit. A ‘freight only’ charge is incurred for this service and this is payable before the retension is commenced. The initial account MUST be finalised before we can undertake any retension and/or alterations on your Second Skin compression garment.
Second Skin garments can be prescribed for clients with skin conditions. Our hydrophobic fabric is the fabric of choice for clients with skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.
Compression garments can be expected to last 3-6 months with regular washing and extra care. The life of garments may be reduced in environments where they are exposed to increased wear and tear or products which affect the life of the fabric (e.g. manual labour, lubricants and oils, open footwear). Some clients with a more sedentary lifestyle, and who take extreme care may find their garments last longer.
Some fabrics will be affected by oily based creams and lotions. We therefore recommend you use water or silicone based creams and lotions.